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Shane Nye - Kozmos

Kozmos, along with Dracopals and Monarchs are currently at the forefront of the Meta in Yu-Gi-Oh! 7 in 10 games you play will be against one of these three decks, and Kozmos are a pain to get rid of. If your opponent gets one out, unless you can find a workaround, there's little chance that you'll ever be getting rid of them - since they can all be banished for a special summon of a smaller or larger Kozmo monster, depending on the current level of Kozmo already on the field. 


If you're looking to build Kozmos yourself, here's Shane's Decklist! Check out the video above to hear Shane explain his decklist choices.

Decklist - Kozmos 

By Shane Nye


Monsters - 17:

3x Kozmo Tincan

3x Kozmo Dark Destroyer

3x Kozmo Sliprider

2x Kozmo Farmgirl

1x Kozmo Dark Eclipser

1x Kozmo Forerunner

1x Kozmo DOG Fighter

1x Kozmoll Wickedwitch

1x Kozmo Goodwitch

1x Kozmo Strawman


Spells - 12:

3x Kozmotown

3x Reasoning

3x Emergency Teleport

1x Raigeki

2x Dark Hole


Traps - 11:

3x Call of the Haunted

1x Oasis of Dragon Souls

2x Kozmojo

1x Bottomless Trap Hole

2x Time Space Trap Hole

1x Solemn Warning

1x Skill Drain


Extra Deck - 14:

1x Traptrix Rafflesia

2x Abyss Dweller

1x Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer

1x Shark Fortress

3x Constellar Pleides

1x Digvorzhak, King of Heavy Industry

1x Number 15: Gimmick Puppet Giant Grinder

1x Number 84: Pain Gainer

1x Number 77: Seven Sins

2x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

Side Deck - 15:

3x Cyber Dragon

3x System Down

3x Mystical Space Typhoon

3x Anti-Spell Fragrance

3x Mask of Restrict



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